About UsThe Heart of Tabitha Foundation
is a Maryland 501(c)(3) tax exempt program dedicated to providing young women experiencing economic and/or situational difficulties with essentials, education, and wellness resources. DonateGoing without essentials hurts.
They break concentration and make the future seem impossible. Giving clothes, school supplies, financial contributions and necessities are GREAT. |
Educate“If you teach a man to fish...”
Education gives everyone the tools they need to succeed. Constantly check our EVENTS page for the latest offerings from us and other organizations. VolunteerEveryone has something to offer; whether it is time, a skill, a caring heart and/or listening ear. Montgomery County school students can earn training SSL hours.
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Heart of Tabitha Foundation!
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Thank you to NBC4 and Pat Muse for covering Heart of Tabitha's mission to empower students to excel and for the opportunity to share the mission with a wider audience!
You can view the interview here!
You can view the interview here!
We thank Howard University and Dr. Preethi Chandran for making our STEM Summer Career Discovery Program and Workshop such a valuable experience for our students!
You can view a synopsis of past programs and testimonials on Howard University's website!
You can view a synopsis of past programs and testimonials on Howard University's website!
STEM Summer Career Discovery Program and Workshop in Collaboration with Howard University - Howard University College of Engineering and Architecture
Monday, June 17, 2024 You can view a synopsis of the past programs and testimonials on Howard University's website! Our workshops will encourage and empower students to acquire the advanced skills needed to succeed in the future. Students/parents, please contact us with questions at: [email protected] or via phone call / text at 240-708-6443. You can view photos from past programs here! Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Saturday, October 28, 2023 | 2:00 PM Join us for a cancer awareness walk in Rockville, MD. Photos from our previous Breast Cancer Awareness Walk!
Women of Stevenson University - Annual Career Development Conference
Saturday, March 27, 2021 | 1:00 PM Heart of Tabitha will be leading a session with the Women of Resilience, Tenacity, and Humility (W.O.R.T.H.) organization on professional dressing during the Annual Career Development Conference!
![]() We Are Featured In Sista's Keeper Magazine!
Our health initiative - #HerYellowRibbon has been featured in the March 2015 issue of Sista's Keeper Magazine! Click here to read the interview and learn more facts about ENDometriosis! (Page 20) ![]() Susan G. Komen
Breast Cancer Walk Washington, D.C. The Breast Cancer Walk was a SUCCESS! Click here to view photos from out walk to END Breast Cancer! - In honor of our Vice-President, Patricia Williams! In partnership with ChemoFriends & GapBuster, Inc. Special THANK YOU to Cerner & The Bear Institute for Donating Pink Ribbons for our team! |
Click the image below to read Howard University's congratulatory post to Dr. Preethi L. ChandranHeart of Tabitha STEM WorkshopHeart of Tabitha Back to School Resource FairCONGRATULATIONS!